Letter from the Editor (June 2019)

Hello again in­ter­ne­tari­nos! It’s that time of the month again! Wait, that could have been word­ed bet­ter… Welcome to an­oth­er is­sue of SuperNerdLand Magazine! So what is go­ing on around our parts, what’s new, and what are we up to? […]

Life Will Change: How Persona 5 Helped Me

Persona is a game se­ries that means a lot to many dif­fer­ent peo­ple. Originally split­ting from the Shin Megami Tensei se­ries, Persona 1, known as Revelations: Persona was re­leased in 1996 and has con­tin­ued to be a sta­ple JRPG series […]

The Gaming Seed of Heroes: Why Video Games Are Loved, Hated, Addicting, and Fought Over

Gaming. A word said with plea­sure by some and with dis­dain by oth­ers for decades. There’s a lot of im­agery at­tached with the word. Boxy retro con­soles and tan­gled cords in 80s fam­i­ly pho­tographs. Dice, char­ac­ter sheets, and fig­urines. An […]

Gwen Recommends: “It Would Be Great If You Did Not Exist”

(MODERATE SPOILERS AHEAD!) It Would Be Great If You Did Not Exist (in its na­tive lan­guage, ti­tled “네가 없었으면 좋겠어”) is a man­hwa (Korean com­ic) by Carbonara. It hasn’t up­dat­ed in about a year, but the main re­la­tion­ship arc has […]

From World of Warcraft to Final Fantasy XIV: Making the Transition

(Editor’s Note: This is a re­post from the won­der­ful Christian Kaleb, orig­i­nal­ly post­ed on https://www.ckaleb.com/. You can find more of his writ­ing there, or help sup­port his up­com­ing book Sword of The Nation by vis­it­ing his Patreon here!) It finally […]

Detective Pikachu Review

Is it any sur­prise, giv­en my han­dle on this site, that I, along with my part­ner, made it manda­to­ry for us to see Detective Pikachu in the­aters? Detective Pikachu, brought to us by Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures, was re­ceived with optimism […]

Aladdin (2019) Review

I bet you all have at least one movie that af­fect­ed you in one way or an­oth­er in your life­time. For me, this was the 1992 re­lease of Disney’s Aladdin that I first watched when I was about 11 years […]

Coming Down the Pike – June 2019 Game Releases

So June is­n’t chock full of amaz­ing re­leas­es, but that does­n’t mean it is­n’t with­out a few high­lights. First, that comes to mind is the hype that Switch own­ers will be hav­ing over the up­com­ing Super Mario Maker 2. I […]

Free Pack-in Game of the Month: Heidelberg 1693

Looking around itch.io is a fun en­deav­or for me. Previous months I have high­light­ed a lit­tle col­or­ful and fun free game, and a point and click ad­ven­ture birthed from a game jam that punch­es well above its weight. But those […]